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panSL language reference. Table of contents.


Categories of panSL Functions.

Note that this is only a first subset of what are deemed necessary functions. More functions are expected to be added in the near future.

Field nameDescription


Functions returning a constant value.

Some common functions in this category: panCRLF, panQuote, PI

ConstantFunctions may be invoked without parantheses, but use of parantheses (like
) will ensure that you avoid name conflicts
in case some of your PropertyTypes have the same name as one of the ConstantFunctions.

All functions in this category: E, Null, panCR, panCRLF, panLF, panQuote, panTAB, PI.


Functions for manipulating dates

Some common functions in this category: DayOfWeek, Quarter, Year.

All functions in this category: Created, DatePart, Day, DayOfWeek, DayOfYear, Month, Now, Quarter, TimeOfDay, TimePart, Weekday, Year.


Functions operating with logical expressions and boolean values (true / false).

Some common functions in this category: If, IfNot.

See also logical operators IsGreaterThan, IsLessThan, IsEqualTo.

All functions in this category: Contains, EndsWith, Equals, If, IfNot, StartsWith.


Other matematical functions

Some common functions in this category: Abs and Trunc.

All functions in this category: Abs, E, Exp, Ln, Log10, PI, Sgn, Sign, Sqrt, SquareRoot, Trunc, Truncate.


Functions operating on entities specified by a panSL-schema.

Some common functions in this category: EntityIdentification, ForEach.

All functions in this category: Created, Creator, CurrentEntity, EntityIdentification, ForEach, Hyperlink, If, IfNot, ImpersonationEntity, ImpersonationProperty, PrimaryKey, RelatedEntity.


Statistical functions

Some common functions in this category: Sum, Min, Max and Average.

All functions in this category: Average, Avg, Count, CountNeg, CountPos, Max, Min, Sum, SumNeg, SumPos.


Functions for manipulating strings

Some common functions in this category: Concat, Left, Right.

All functions in this category: CompareTo, Concat, Concatenate, Contains, EndsWith, Equals, IndexOf, Insert, Join, LastIndexOf, Left, Len, Length, Lower, Mid, PadLeft, PadRight, Remove, Replace, Right, Split, StartsWith, Substring, ToLower, ToLowerCamelCase, ToLowerCase, ToPascalCase, ToString, ToUpper, ToUpperCase, Trim, TrimEnd, TrimLeft, TrimRight, TrimStart, Upper, URLEncode, Value.


Trigonometric functions

Some common functions in this category: Sin and Cos.

All functions in this category: Acos, Asin, Atan, Cos, Cosh, Rad, Sin, Sinh, Tan, Tanh.

panSL language reference. Table of contents.

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Last updated 2012-05-02